Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (2024)

Do you want to know why the right thigh itches? We will tell you the possible options and even suggest what to do if such interpretations do not suit you.

Itching has many different interpretations, both from a medical point of view and from the point of view of signs. And if medicine is based on real facts, scientifically confirmed, then no one has yet been able to explain the action. But it is a fact that they also work and warn a person about what awaits him in the future. Today we’ll talk about why the right thigh itches. And yes, in order to dispel all disputes, by thigh we mean the muscle cover of the femur.

Does it matter which thigh itches?

Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (1)

Sometimes we wonder, is it so important whether the right or left side of the body itches? It turns out yes. We went through this on the palms - remember, when one itches for money, the other for a meeting, and you can’t remember which one for which event?

With the thighs, everything is exactly the same: the side of the body matters. Therefore, when the right side of the thigh itches, immediately fix on which side.

But even so, the options are many and varied. So, the choice of which sign to believe in is still yours.

What does the itchy right thigh signal?

Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (2)

Folk wisdom says: the right thigh itches if you have unforeseen expenses. This means only one thing - you need to be careful in money matters. What does this mean in practice?

  1. You need to be careful in money matters. Do not waste money in vain, unnecessarily - they can be useful to you in the future.
  2. You should not trust everyone around in financial matters - a sign suggests that you need to be careful when planning your money together.
  3. Remember that money should be saved, because in the near future you may expect expenses that you did not expect at all. By the way, it is quite possible that they will be pleasant for you. By the way, it says nothing about this.
  4. There may be scammers in your field of vision and the sphere of your financial interests. It is worth being ready for this, so that later you do not bite your elbows in vain and do not reproach yourself for trusting the wrong people.

And there is also an opinion that the right thigh begins to itch if you have serious financial investments associated with a long journey (or, in modern terms, an upcoming trip). And here the choice is yours: if such a journey is important for you, then all the efforts that you make to implement it will not be in vain. Well, if you “didn’t really want to”, then it’s better to postpone it - serious expenses can negate all the positive impressions of the trip.

Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (3)

In general, such an event as an itch in the right thigh has no positive interpretations, unfortunately. Another source says that this phenomenon can provoke quarrels within your family. This refers to the family both in a narrow interpretation (your partner and your children), and in a fairly broad interpretation (your parents, uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces, grandparents, as well as other older relatives). Well, scandals in the workplace - they are right there, just touch colleagues who are unhappy with you and your behavior at work.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you can use a special ritual: find a thread or lace, but always brown or black. After that, two knots should be tied on it, one next to the other very close. Light a candle and burn this cord in the flame of the candle. If you perform this ritual with the belief that it will save you from negative consequences, then it will definitely help.

Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (4)

But if you do not concentrate on which side the itching came from, from the right or from the left, then this sign indicates that unpleasant news awaits you. Again, how unpleasant they will be for you personally, no one knows. The very fact that you have been warned is important here, which means that you will be able to mobilize and make the right decision after receiving them.

When is it worth believing in signs, and when can you pass by?

If your right thigh accidentally and briefly itches, then you should not write it off as signs - sometimes a simple scratching may not mean anything. However, if it itches constantly or periodically, but for a long time, and there are no medical reasons for this, and you constantly take a shower and follow other hygiene rules, then this is already a reason to call for help all possible signs and work with them .

Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (5)

And remember: a sign is not something that will definitely come true. This is not a prediction. This is just a way to help you, to warn you that such events can break into your life. In response, just be careful. Stop where you wanted to say a harsh word. Make a decision not to buy anything spontaneously, just because you feel like it, even if you have already taken out your wallet and are mentally ready to count out the bills. The mechanism of work will be little studied and not at all confirmed by facts, but they work, and this is their main advantage.

Do you believe in omens? - Then this article is for you.
There are a huge number of various signs that tell a person what to expect in the future. Through signs, the world is trying to tell what a person should expect and what to prepare for. There are a number of signs that speak of great luck. And there are, on the contrary, warning or even promising more grief. If one or another part of the body itches, it can say a lot. Why it itches and what it says, see the list below.

Folk signs if it itches and what it means:

  • language - to talk with a stranger;
  • cheeks burn - to tears;
  • cheeks - to the news, and the right one - to the news from afar, and the left - to the news from close places;
  • neck - sudden fees on the road;
  • mustache - for a date or you will kiss;
  • back - to sadness;
  • heart (under the spoon) - to annoyance;
  • heels in summer - to rain;
  • heels in winter - to a thaw;
  • the navel and the place around it - either to a party, or to news from afar, or to a guest (guests) from afar;
  • right elbow - to a dispute, quarrel, fight;
  • the right eye, according to other beliefs, can itch both to tears and to joy, depending on which day the eye itches: if on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday (that is, on those days in the name of which there is a letter " p "), then to joy, and if on Monday or Saturday, then to tears; to prevent possible tears, it is necessary to scratch both eyes at the same time and cross worn eyes three times;
  • right eye - to joy;
  • right ear - someone scolds;
  • right knee - for the arrival of the guest;
  • right buttock - to illness and sadness;
  • right sole - go any way;
  • right eyebrow - for a date with a friend, or someone praises;
  • lower back - to bad weather;
  • spine - to a change in weather;
  • the soles itch when there is footwork to be done or to set off on foot, to the road; they say: “The soles are combed - to be boots behind your shoulders” (“dangling boots on a staff”); or for upcoming dances. The latter is more likely when the soles seem to be on fire;
  • hamstrings itch - to be on the road;
  • under the nose - to failure, ingratitude, etc .;
  • under the armpits - to a mild illness, under the right - to one's own illness, and under the left - to the illness of loved ones;
  • under the knee - the owner (head of the family) has a road ahead, most likely a long one;
  • shoulders - to get ready for the journey, and the right shoulder - to a long absence from home, and the left - to a short one;
  • bridge of the nose - you will hear about the deceased;
  • fingers on both hands - everything is simple here, a sign of anemia and it is necessary to be treated;
  • both lips itch - kissing a married couple;
  • nose itches on the side - to the news;
  • the nostril itches - to the homeland: the right - someone will give birth to a son, the left - a daughter;
  • legs itch below - to the rain;
  • lower lip - kissing a woman or a child;
  • the sky and gums are a clear undisguised condemnation and the inability to determine the ill-wisher;
  • between the eyebrows - to a meeting with a married couple;
  • shoulder blades or between the shoulder blades - to bad weather;
  • forehead - to say hello to someone;
  • left elbow - in front of a strange, unrealistic proposal;
  • left eye - to tears;
  • left ear - someone praises;
  • left knee - before going to hard but profitable work;
  • left buttock - to self-interest;
  • left sole - do not go on any road;
  • left palm - give money; in the old days, officials received bribes with their left hand;
  • left eyebrow - to a date with a hypocrite, or someone scolds;
  • tip of the tongue - to gossip and evil intentions against you; to prevent evil intentions, it is necessary to tie a strong knot on something so that the mouths of the spiteful critics are also tied, or prick the tip of the tongue with a needle, or sprinkle the tip of the tongue with something sharp (salt, pepper, tobacco, etc.) to all evil returned to the ill-wishers;
  • tip of the nose - you will drink alcohol;
  • clavicle - to be away;
  • the occipital side of the neck - to return from the halfway of a loved one and talk with him;
  • ass itches - praise;
  • stomach - to sadness or to a sharp change in the weather, and if it itches from top to bottom, then the change will come within a day, from bottom to top or from the side - in a day;
  • if the hand itches, then in order for the money to flow, it is necessary to scratch or rub the back side of the table board with this hand;
  • other parts of the head - to quarrels with loved ones;
  • lips - kissing someone;
  • chest - to grief or bad weather;
  • Head itches - to be scolded;
  • eyes or under the eyes itches - today you will cry about something, regret;
  • the whole ear itches, itches and burns: in winter - to a thaw, and at what other time of the year - to fast news;
  • upper lip - kissing a man;
  • in the auricles - to condemnation, and in the right - to condemnation from relatives, in the left - from strangers;
  • in the ears - to a newborn or to bad weather, to the wind;
  • it itches in the groin - not good;
  • itching in the nose - to the good news;
  • eyebrows itch (itch, itch) - you will look at a guest who has come from afar;
  • sides - the debt will be returned;

- Why the eye twitches: a sign of future changes.

If a person's eyes begin to twitch, then this can be both a sign and a nervous tic. If the twitching of one of the eyes is a single occurrence, then this is a sign of peace. And if the eye is constantly twitching, the sign no longer works. In this case, it is a disease that needs to be treated. According to the interpretation of this sign, if the eye twitches, then this promises changes in a person’s life. When the right eye twitches, the changes will be for the good. We should expect good news, salary increases, replenishment in the family and everything that makes life better. And vice versa, if the left eye began to twitch, then everything will decline. Problems will start, something will break or a person will be deceived.

- What happens if the left eye itches. A sign of future tears.

Now let's talk about what happens if a person's left eye itches. A sign usually means that a person will be sad and cry. But no more. So it could be a long trip for a friend or loved one. But in no case does this sign speak of death or illness.

- What happens if the right eye itches. A sign of laughter and joy.

When a person's right eye begins to itch, it promises laughter and joy. However, often this can be just idle laughter or joy in ordinary situations (sun, ice cream, pleasant company). Those. this sign does not bring profit and good events. It simply says that a person will be happy about something.

Remember that signs were compiled a very long time ago. And not all of them fit the circ*mstances of our reality. Therefore, if earlier a person’s eyes could be combed, then this was a sign. And now, in addition to the sign itself, itchy eyes can be the result of lack of sleep or illness. As a result, do not confuse the sign and the physiological reaction of the body.

Is there a hint-sign that the girl itches for what? After all, sometimes you want to look a little ahead, into the future, in order to protect yourself from stupid mistakes, or vice versa - to see that there is only joy ahead, and not be afraid of anything ... There will be many of them. Some were created by the people, observing patterns and imaginary accidents for centuries, while others are shared with us by gifted modern magicians.

  • Under the neck: some kind of burden will fall on you. Maybe it will be family obligations (say, you have to take care of a sick relative), there will be a blockage at work (moreover, most colleagues will “mow down” and you will have to do everything almost on your own), you will be sent on a business trip (fortunately, it will be successful ).
  • Above the shoulder blades: minor problems await you.
  • Shoulder blades. Both at once: you can fall in love. Only one: this is a sure sign of a change in weather (wait for rain).
  • Lower back: A black streak may enter your life. However, if your body in this place is decorated with at least a small, but a mole, you do not need to be afraid of bad omens - a mole serves as the best talisman of good luck.
  • Coccyx: misfortune can happen to you. Important! If you feel itching at sunset or dawn and heroically do not scratch yourself there (do not even touch your hand), you will be able to avoid trouble.

And if the butt was combed?

  • On right. You can quarrel with your boyfriend or fiancГ©, as one of you will act as Othello. Also, such a sign can warn of a conflict with relatives, small domestic problems.
  • Left. Oddly enough, an itchy butt in this place promises you a meeting with your destiny, that is, your betrothed. If you already like some guy, knock on the window and door, then call his name three times.
  • Does she itches all over? This is for adventure. If the itch is small, they will limit themselves to a fun picnic, a holiday, a trip. If it is very intense, the “fun” can develop into a dangerous extreme, in which you (or those close to you) can suffer greatly.
  • Butt itched first on the right, and then on the left? It says: everything in life alternates like the stripes on the back of a zebra. Yes, you will have many worries that will tire you out a lot - however, all these "adventures" will end with getting what you dream of.
  • Are you a bride? In this case, the priest warns: you will be very lucky, including in your future family life (if it itches on the left); your future spouse may start drinking, which will bring you a lot of sadness (if itches on the right). If the buttocks “give a sign” in turn, this is a bad omen that promises your couple a lot of trouble. Yes, you will overcome them, but your health will suffer as a result.

Want to scratch your forehead?

Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (6)

  • The forehead itches because the head is actively solving some issue. Yes, you probably have some problem that you are struggling with. But since your head is itching, it means that soon you will find a way out of the situation.
  • Itching near the eyebrow. Left: be careful, you can, without knowing it, greatly offend a loved one. Right: you may be under attack by a tram boor, an Internet troll, or just another ill-mannered person.
  • The forehead itches in the center: you will meet a person who will have a strong influence on your life.
  • The bridge of the nose can indicate various things: from alcohol drunk in the future to the death of someone you know.

scratched tummy

  • If you are in a relationship, this sign may promise pregnancy. So if you do not plan to go on maternity leave, do not trust the "safe days". This sign can be reinforced by dreams in which you saw fish, children, mushrooms.
  • If you are young and single, an itchy stomach promises a new thing. And you will cover this place with a cloth - so buy a dress, blouse or sweater.
  • Ancient interpreters believed that an itchy belly prophesied trouble for the girl. However, modern magicians are sure: this is a purely family sign. She promises "family" girls an early marriage and many children, and those who dream of building a career - early menstruation.

Itching in the neck

Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (7)

  • Most often, signs say: you will have to become the heroine of a heated quarrel in which you will find yourself verbally defeated. As they say, the neck feels like it's being "soaped".
  • The second popular interpretation is more positive: you will go on a trip or to a noisy family holiday (say, to a wedding).
  • Is your neck itchy on the side? This means that you are hardworking and skillful - a real hostess!
  • Did you scratch her front? You will have a good time.
  • Behind: you can become the heroine of a quarrel that ends in a fight. So be as tactful as possible in communication, do not get personal and try to extinguish conflicts in the bud - why do you, a girl, need to participate in a "scuffle"?
  • If not only the neck, but also the back of the head itches, the sign becomes positive: you will meet an old friend.

So, you "got" a negative interpretation, and you dream of getting rid of it? It's simple: wrap a pin with black thread and lightly prick yourself in an itchy place. The second option: take a silver spoon (always brightly shiny) and move it around the “problem” place. If it is difficult to get there, ask someone from your family - the effect of "massage" will be the same.

According to folk signs, it will not be difficult for a knowledgeable person to make a forecast for the near future. Such people will immediately answer the interlocutor's question: why is it itching? The nose, neck, hands, stomach, as well as other parts of the body that are suddenly itchy, can be harbingers of success, profit, failure or tears. There may be sensations on the body or inside it when you want to scratch. What signs does fate send through this category of folk signs?

Why does the head itch

What will the folk interpretation tell a person who is interested in what and what itches when it comes to the head? The general interpretation prophesies a quarrel. Any reason can serve as a pretext, so knowing the interpretation of folk signs, you can avoid an unpleasant moment. If it itches near the right ear, then useful advice will be expected from you, near the left - someone older will give it to you, the back of the head - portends difficult thoughts. Intensity also matters: the more it itches, the more difficult it will be to resolve the conflict.


Along with when the ears burn or the tip of the nose itches, this folk sign is on the list of the most popular and familiar to many. A symbolic omen promises those who have itchy eyes, radically opposite states - from tears and grief to joy and a date with a loved one. The reason that the eye twitches is overwork or severe nervous tension, and if it began to itch or watery, it is necessary to exclude inflammation or the ingress of a foreign body.

If you want to scratch your eyes spontaneously and this action is short-lived, then the popular interpretation of the sign says that the right eye itches to tears, and the left eye to joyful events. The days of the week can influence the interpretation of the omen. The approach is simple: if the letter “r” is found in the name, for example, Wednesday, but not Friday, then itchy eyes promise joy, and the rest of the week predicts tears. Good news at work - that's what the left eye itches on Tuesday.


When the earlobe itches, the sign prophesies worsening weather: expect a strong wind or bad weather. A popular forecast regarding personal life promises replenishment in the family or receiving unexpected news. When interpreting, it is worth paying attention to which ear itches: if the right one, impartial words are spoken about you or scolded, and the left ear traditionally itches or burns in those who have received praise from unfamiliar people, work colleagues, superiors.


Often the appearance of this sign is felt in such a way that the bridge of the nose itches, so you want to scratch your nose. Popular belief says that soon good news will knock on your life. If the right nostril suddenly itches, then this portends the birth of a son from one of the good friends, and the left nostril itches to the appearance of a girl. Those who have itching under their noses should be wary, as this portends ingratitude. Itchy tip of the nose - this sign is familiar to many: get ready for a feast with strong drinks.

Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (8)


Expect a guest who will come from afar to visit you - this is the most common interpretation when eyebrows itch. This visit is connected with the best intentions, because the guest will come with gratitude for the kind attitude that you once showed. For a girl or woman, an itchy right eyebrow predicts a meeting with a man, the left - communication with representatives of the same sex. If it itches between the eyebrows, then you will have to communicate with a married couple.


A sure sign of why your forehead itches is that the moment has come in your life to make a serious decision. To prepare for an unexpected conversation with the opposite sex should be those whose forehead itched heavily. There is a chance that your soul mate decided to leave and end the relationship, while being determined to do it decisively. Such a sign warns of an unpleasant meeting with a door jamb, so if you do not want to get bruised, then be careful. The most pleasant interpretation says that your dream will come true in the near future.


The time for kissing is what will soon come for those who suddenly want to scratch their lips. Signs indicate that another person will initiate a pleasant event. If the girl's upper lip is itchy, then a prominent man will kiss her, and the lower one portends that a woman, for example, a mother or a friend, will kiss her. According to folk signs, it matters not only when the lips itch, but still burn or begin to twitch. Get ready for a serious conversation if the tip of your tongue itches.


Burning cheeks predict tears, resentment and negative statements about your person from loved ones. Unpleasant events should be expected if the left cheek itches, because this indicates the imminent division of property, a quarrel over a will, but everything will be decided peacefully. For pregnant women, such a sign announces the birth of a girl. When the right cheek itches, this sign is positive, because a loved one thinks of you, whose intentions are the most sincere.

Signs of what itches on the body

Why and what itches on the body - these superstitions are constantly passed on from generation to generation. Popular predictions associated a sudden impulse to scratch one or another part of the body with upcoming possible events. Like the desire to scratch your beard, chin or little finger, such sensations come suddenly. The symbolic interpretation of what and why itched on the body provides for such phenomena as longing, joy, money, adversity. The wrist, the lower back, the armpit, the groin, the soles of the feet, all can give a glimpse of the future.


The largest number of signs is associated with this part of the body. Many believe that if the right palm itches, then one should expect profit or a large amount of money, but the left prophesies expenses. An itchy right palm will tell you about an imminent meeting with someone whom you have not seen for a long time. You should be wary if you involuntarily scratched your elbow or fist. This folk sign predicts extremely unpleasant events.

Expect huge profits if you have an itchy middle finger on your left hand. A good interpretation is a sign for those who have an itchy index or ring finger: get ready for a quick move up the career ladder or for academic success. The thumb, like the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arm up to the elbow, itches in people who are facing life changes. If on the right hand, then an acquaintance with a person who will change your life will soon take place, on the left hand, a feeling of disappointment will come regarding your half.

Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (9)

If your chest itches

The fair sex will be able to judge the events of the near future when their breasts suddenly itch. Communication with the subtle world reports a violation of harmony, possible anxiety if there is a tingling or itching sensation in the sternum. If only the left breast is combed, then the sign indicates the longing of a loved one for you, the right one indicates betrayal by the chosen one.


Is your right foot itchy for no particular reason? A journey awaits you, a long journey - this is what a folk sign predicts about the desire to scratch your foot. Superstition arose when cars and paved roads were out of the question. Travelers had to cover distances on foot, because only wealthy people traveled on horseback. The interpretation of the sign is positive, because overcoming the path is associated with a joyful feast upon arrival.

A combed heel portends a change in the weather, and the desire to scratch your knee promises good news. When the right leg (foot, knee, thigh) itches, then most of the positive predictions are associated with this. The left one always warns of negative events: a person needs to be attentive, careful on the road, he is threatened with losses and even betrayal.


A change in the weather and not the best events in life are promised by folk signs to those who have an itchy stomach. Movements from top to bottom predict that possible events will occur in the very near future, and from one side of the abdomen to another, these are harbingers of circ*mstances delayed in time. It is considered a good omen when the navel itches - this portends a holiday or fun.


Longing in the soul, sadness and not at all bright prospects carries with it a sign of a combed back. Puzzling with the question regarding the zone, it is easy to see: the lower back is unfortunately, and the shoulder blades itch for bad weather. All superstitions associated with the area below the shoulders impose a negative character on predictions. Only those who have an itchy tailbone will be able to dodge trouble, because the lucky ones will be able to escape in time or simply avoid a collision. An early feast awaits those whose neck itches.

Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch. Why does my right hand itch (10)


Very soon you have to go on a date - that's what the folk omen says. Also, the subtle worlds make it clear that in the coming days an important mysterious event will occur that will affect the course of fate. The fifth point begins to itch before good events related to personal life. If itching sensations arose only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone buttock, then the right one predicts envious women or rivals with malevolent intentions, and the left one must be more careful, stay away from dubious adventures.

Fate often gives us signs and warns of upcoming events. There are a number of folk signs, according to which these signs of fate appear in our lives and try to convey important information to us. Often we think about why the left arm or nose suddenly itched. All this is no accident. And what such signs portend, find out right now.

There is a sign that if your hands itch, then this promises either a profit or a loss of money. This is not entirely true. According to superstition, if the right hand itches, then you have to greet someone. As a rule, this portends a meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a long time. If the left hand itches - this is a parting. It is likely that soon you will have to lose touch with a loved one for a long time.

If the left palm itches— is at a loss. This popular sign can portend theft, an imminent crisis, loss of money, debts. In this case, touching the palm is not recommended. The more and harder you scratch, the more money you will lose.

If your right hand itches- it's for profit. You will soon receive money, a big win, a valuable find, repayment of a debt, and so on. With the help of this sign, you can attract money. To do this, scratch your right palm properly, then the profit will follow faster and in much larger quantities.

Many signs are associated with the nose. There is an opinion that if itchy nose then it's for drinking. A feast with a lot of alcohol awaits you. Even if you do not plan to drink on this day, it can still happen. The nose senses everything and will not deceive in such things as alcohol. Also, this fact may mean that you will be beaten or scolded. So that the sign in this case does not come true, ask a loved one to click you on the nose, then nothing bad will happen.

If the nose itches on the side, then this is to the news. What kind of news it will be - good or bad - folk wisdom, alas, is silent about this.

If your cheeks itch or burn- this means that someone is thinking about you, and the thoughts of this person are not the best in relation to you.

Itchy left eye- this is a sign of tears. If the right eye itches - to joy or good news.

If your ears itch- this is either for the news, or for a change in the weather. Earlobes itch - to heat, if you were born in summer or spring; to the cold if you were born in winter or autumn.

If it itches under the knees- for a quick trip. This sign, as a rule, portends a long journey, a business trip or a trip.

Itchy left foot- you'll be idle soon. This sign portends a carefree life. If the right foot itches - this is a hassle, problems and fuss. It is likely that you will soon spin like a squirrel in a wheel.

Itchy upper lip- You will kiss. The lower lip itches - to a serious conversation.

Itchy tongue- Bad sign. This is a warning that it is time to stop gossip and intrigue.

Eyebrows itch to the meeting. The right eyebrow portends a meeting with a friend or buddy. Left eyebrow - to a meeting with an enemy or an envious person.

Itchy chin- to an important decision. This sign is a hint that helps to make a decision or make a choice. If you are thinking about what to do, and suddenly your chin is itching, then do exactly what your heart tells you to do.

Take these folk signs seriously or as a joke, it's up to you. However, if you observe their execution, then we can conclude that a greater number of such superstitions always come true. And so that only good signs surround you, do not forget to press the buttons and

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Folk signs: why different parts of the body itch.  Why does my right hand itch (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 5904

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.