This guide contains:All Death Card Locations All Console CommandsPictures and alot more!!!NEW!! How To Enable Death Cards in Co-Op ZombiesMORE COMING SOON!
Basic Info
Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Type “devmap mak” and press [Enter] to enable cheat mode. Then, type one of the following codes at the console window and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function
- God modegod
- Double health and can survive one grenade explosiondemigod
- All weaponsgive all
- Infinite amunition sf_use_ignoreammo 1
- No clipping modenoclip
- Flight modeufo
- Teleport to a nodejumptonode
- Disable AInotarget
- List mapsmapname
- Change mapsmap [map name]
- Change maps with cheat mode enableddevmap [map name]
- Black and white movie modesf_use_bw 1
- Photo negative modesf_use_invert 1
- Silent movie modesf_use_chaplin 1
- Commit suicide kill
All Result that’s under slashed can be used in COOP Zombies
Like –> sf_use_chaplin 1
–> sf_use_ignoreammo 1
- Semper Fi
- Little Resistance
- Hard Landing
- Vendetta
- Their Land, Their Blood
- Burn ‘Em Out
- Relentless
- Blood & Iron
- Ring Of Steel
- Eviction
- Black Cats
- Blowtorch And Corkscrew
- Breaking Point
- Heart of the Reich
- Downfall
ZOMBIES Maps - Nacht der Untoten
- Shi No Numa
- Der Riese
- Verruckt
How To Enable Death Cards in CO-OP Zombies
How to use Death Cards in Zombies COOP with Friends or Players!
First Go to
Host Online
Game Setup
Then Go To
Death Card Selection
Enable Death Cards
Then choose those
Death Cards
In my Opnion it should be
Suicide King
just for adding a bit fun
Now after u choosed then press
And now go in Map choosing and Select
And Now Press
So it does looks like this again
After a bit go in to
Game Setup
and it should look like this (it says its Semper Fi )
Now choose your Death Cards again and press Accept
So after choosen them press
or else it would not let you allow the Death Cards to zombie
Death Cards Locations
Death Card locations
The Death Cards can be found at the following locations. Collect a Death Card to unlock its effect in Co-op mode. And some of them are really funny
- 1
Mission: Semper Fi (Eight of Hearts)
Effect: Headshots cause enemies to explode
Location: At the very beginning after leaving the shack, you will see another shack to the right. The card is inside. - 2
Hard Headed
Mission: Little Resistance (Four of Clubs)
Effect: Enemies take less bullet damage
Location: At the end of the mission before going into the last building, look to the right. The card is in a corner of bushes. - 3
Suicide King
Mission: Hard Landing (King of Hearts)
Effect: Fire explosive pistol rounds while downed
Location: About halfway through the mission you will see a big building with a mini-trench outside. Enter the building, and go into the lower level. The card is to the right when you go into the room with the stairs. - 4
Cold Dead Hands
Mission: Vendetta (Five of Diamonds)
Effect: Enemies take their weapons with them to the grave
Location: After the sniper section at the first part of the mission, Reznov will lead you through a building. Follow the bar around to the end to find the card. - 5
Sticks & Stones
Mission: Their Land, Their Blood (Joker)
Effect: Your weapon arsenal consists of a knife and rocks
Location: Destroy the tanks, and go through the barn. Search the stalls to your right to find the card. - 6
Mission: Burn ’em Out (Queen of Hearts)
Effect: Can only recharge your health by getting kills
Location: Just before the second mortar position is a bunker to the left. The card is inside. - 7
Flak Jacket
Mission: Relentless (Nine of Diamonds)
Effect: Enemies take less explosive damage
Location: At the end of the mission, take either the left or right path. Eventually the paths will reconnect. The card is about halfway down the path. - 8
Body Armor
Mission: Ring of Steel (Jack of Spades)
Effect: Enemies die by headshot only
Location: Enter the asylum, the immediately go to the left. The card is in the far bottom left corner. - 9
Undead Soldier
Mission: Eviction (Ace of Spades)
Effect: Enemies come back from the dead
Location: During the first half of the mission, just after the kitchen area, you will eventually see a room to your right that has a large hole in it. Drop down to find the card. - 10
Mission: Blowtorch & Corkscrew (Ten of Clubs)
Effect: Shoot downed Co-op teammates to revive them
Location: Go to the left as you move toward the second bunker. A Japanese soldier hanging upside down is near the card. - 11
Mission: Breaking Point (Three of Diamonds)
Effect: Get three kills in five seconds to become Berserk
Location: Clear all four mortar pits, then go to the small shack in the south of this area. The card is inside. - 12
Mission: Heart of the Reich (Six of Clubs)
Effect: Paintball guns(Its Only bullets with Paintball Colors when hit enemy)
Location: The card is in the closed-off subway entrance across the street from the start of the mission. - 13
Mission: Downfall (Two of Spades)
Effect: Limits your HUD, turns on friendly fire, and bleed out in half the time
Location: Before you get to the theater, some of your allies will break through a door to your right. The card is past that door.[/list]INFO
Will soon add Pictures to the Death Card Section if u guys want it.. Write a comment if you think Pictures will be helpful…
How to Enable Console and Open It
This how to do it. To what? to enable your console…
Start your game up
Lets it load until its in the
Main Menu
And then go in
Options & Controls
And press on
Game Controls
And then Enable
Then go back to
Main Menu
And open
Console ”~”
And write
/Devmap [mapname]
(And main was ber3= Berlin mission 3)
And the it should work. and now you can use this guide to help u find the names of the maps easier. And the Cheat Commands..
Console Button/ Tilde
is this one (Look At Pic) instead of
!!And if the button (~) doesn’t work. Then try to press the button on INFO
(i think it should then)
Thanks for SUPPORTING MY GUIDE!!! Remeber to share it 🙂